Throwback Thursday – The Global Read Aloud {August 8th}


It’s Throwback Thursday with First Grade Parade! As I begin to plan for a new school year, the Global Read Aloud is at the top of my to-do list. So, in support, today’s Throwback Thursday will be from last years post about why I’m joining the Global Read Aloud.

Originally posted July 22, 2012

I love to read. As a child, I was fussed at frequently because I was reading when I should be doing something else. In high school I jumped at the chance to take AP English but didn’t even contemplate taking AP Calculus. Before texting and driving – I was reading and driving….yes, I admit it! Then I found out about audiobooks and gave Cracker Barrell a great deal of my business until my local library caught up. Because of my love of reading, I find it unfathomable that there are children in this world who don’t like to read.

Last year, my class participated in a book read with classes out of Mississippi and North Carolina. They loved it! They enjoyed the idea of using Edmodo to respond to other students’ posts in another state. Add to that a Skype experience and I had to beg them not to read ahead – but they did it anyway!

So why the Global Read Aloud? Instead of just two other classes, we will be reading this book with approximately 100 other classes – all over the world! Multiple opportunities to Skype and use Edmodo (which the children love) as well as get the students excited about READING!

This year, the Global Read Aloud will be reading Charlotte’s Web (for younger children) and The One and Only Ivan (for older students). Excited – heck yeah I am! I devoured The One and Only Ivan in a day with tears streaming down my eyes as I finished (and yes, before you ask I’m a HUGE crybaby) and am still wondering how I’m going to get through it since there isn’t an audiobook available yet.

Have I piqued your interest yet? I hope I have. If so check out the Global Read Aloud Blog and Wiki. Also, you can follow information on twitter by using the hastag #glread12.

Hope to see you soon!

2013 GRA Information:

Twitter hash tag: #glread13

Eric Carle Author Study – ideal for primary grades
Marty McGuire by Kate Messner – ideal for 1st through 3rd
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper – ideal for 4th and up (can go as high as you want)
Stupid Fast by Geoff Herbach – Middle School and High School although I will be reading it with my 5th graders

Starts September 30th and finishes November 8th, 2013

Until the next time,


Tried It Tuesday {August 6th}

I’m linking up with Fouth Grade Flipper for her Tried It Tuesday.


I implemented Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN) last year with my students. My Social Studies partner does them as well. Although glue, colored pencils, and scissors are a part of their supply list, we frequently had students who did not have them. We both had backups, but never enough and we’d lose class time waiting for the supplies to be passed around. 🙁 We also had a small problem with those supplies going missing…..*gasp*!

This year we plan to have a class set of supplies, but how will we keep up with them. In blog perusing, I got this awesome idea from Erin over at I’m Lovin’ Lit! She wraps duck tape around her supplies. LOVE IT! Read more about Erin’s ISN posts here.

When I started looking for duct tape I saw that they had a Spider-Man version. If they had a Spider-Man version, they definitely should have a Wonder Woman version, right? WRONG! How can they NOT have Wonder Woman??? But, I got over it and voila!


Scissors on deck! 🙂

Until the next time,


The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 {A Must Read Mentor Text}



I’m linking up with Collaboration Cuties for their Must Read Mentor Text Linky Party.  I decided that I just had to share with you my most favoristist (and yes, I know that’s not a real word) book in the world, The Watsons go to Birmingham – 1963.  I have been reading this book with students for 10 years!  Lately, I’ve been unable to do the entire novel for a few reasons – but I use it as a mentor text to teach Author’s Craft; in particular, Flashback.

Barnes and Noble Summary:

A wonderful middle-grade novel narrated by Kenny, 9, about his middle-class black family, the Weird Watsons of Flint, Michigan. When Kenny’s 13-year-old brother, Byron, gets to be too much trouble, they head South to Birmingham to visit Grandma, the one person who can shape him up. And they happen to be in Birmingham when Grandma’s church is blown up.

The ordinary interactions and everyday routines of the Watsons, an African American family living in Flint, Michigan, are drastically changed after they go to visit Grandma in Alabama in the summer of 1963.

If you’ve never read The Watsons go to Birmingham – 1963 (gasp), you’ve missed out on a treat!  Christopher Paul Curtis does an excellent job of drawing you in with the antics of Byron and Kenny!  Believe when I say I am crying with laughter by the time we get to the middle of chapter one – EVERY SINGLE TIME!  This book is a great example of historical fiction because it highlights the 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham where four little girls were killed.

There are wonderful examples of flashback in the first few chapters which is all I read with the students now.  But, because I have a class set of them in my classroom, many of the students grab the book to finish it on their own. Jackpot!!

But it only gets better!  I just found out that they are finally turning this awesome book into a movie!  Can you see me dancing?  Can you? Whoop!  Check out the movie trailer here.

As a celebration, my Flashback flipchart using The Watsons go to Birmingham – 1963 will be free for 24 hours!  Get it while it’s hot!  Click here to get it from my TpT store.

photo (3)


Click on any of the images to link up!

Until the next time,



Saturday Snapshots! {Linky Party – August 3rd}

Yes, I know I’m late…..but I’m just finding out about “Run! Miss Nelson’s Got The Camera!” Snapshot Saturday!  And I looooooove to take snapshots! 🙂

Just ask a former student:

Saturday Snapshots


I was lucky enough to spend a small portion of my vacation in Montreal, Canada for a sorority conference.  Although I was there for a conference, we were able to enjoy our stay there.

We were on a tiny plane...whew!

We were on a tiny plane…whew!

My mother and I traveled together and met my aunt from California there.  We had a very peaceful plane trip, but I was surprised that both planes were so small!  Like three seats per row small!

A few of my chapter members!

A few of my chapter members!

I was a presenter at the conference and it went over very well!  I got awesome reviews!! 🙂  Here’s a pic of me with a few of my chapter members!

Olympic Stadium

What a view!

We were able to break away from the grind of sorority business to explore Montreal.  We took the 2-hour double decker bus tour.  If you look in the far distance, you’ll see the Olympic stadium! Canadian Sweet Frog!

Yeh… Canadian Sweet Frog!

Montreal has a HUGE underground mall.  Surprisingly, most of the shops are the same as here.  I also found a yogurt shop similar to my Sweet Frog….Yeh!

All White Affair

All White Affair

Here’s a pic of Auntie, me and Mama!  My Mama has been in our sorority for 50 years…..that makes her Golden!

Like I said, although we were there for work, we had an amazing time!  Next time we’ll make sure to visit Quebec City – I’ve heard that it’s awesome.

Until the next time,





Back to School Goals

Tick tock…tock tock…tick tock…..Can you hear it! It’s the back to school clock ticking away! I’m not sure if I’d had much of a “break” with teaching the graduate course, presenting at two conferences, attending two professional development sessions, and planning our 6th Grade Transition Academy.  Plus, we have two days of registration next week so before I know it – it will be August 19th and my brand new kiddos will be walking through that door.

Seeing how school is coming I thought it would be a great time for me to link up with I {heart} Recess for her Back to School Linky!


Personal:  Sometimes I feel that as a teacher, my daughter gets less of me than my students do.  By the time we get home we barely have enough time to review homework, bath, and bed.  I’m making it a goal for us to read together every night!  And my poor hubby barely gets home cooked meals on the weekend!  A few years ago I was a crock-pot pro!  What happened?  Well, I’ve spent this summer pinning, planning, and trying out different crock-pot recipes and I plan to put them to good use during the week.

Organization:  How many of you recognize this scenario?  Crates with students names on each folder.  Folders slightly full, but a stack of papers laid on top!  Yep, that’s my student portfolio system.  Well, it was.  This year, I plan to use Evernote as my electronic portfolio system.  Once assignments are graded, I plan to take a picture of the item into the student’s notebook.  I’ve already created my notebooks so I’m ready to go!

Planning:  I have two faults that don’t go well together – spontaneity and procrastination!  I can have a lesson planned, but change my mind in the shower that morning….or five minutes before the kids walk in…:-/  Quite a few times last year I found myself out at school on Saturday and/or Sunday making copies to get ready for the next week.  And I guess that’s much better than speed walking down the hallway and the students are coming – but I want to be BETTER!  My goal is that I have my two week lesson (handouts, electronic files, etc.) ready ahead of time.  That way I can spend my planning period handling much other needed responsibilities.

Professional:  Last year I did a pretty good job of implementing reading workshop with my elective class.  I want to improve upon that this year as well as implement a writing workshop with them as well.  The workshop method was very beneficial for those students who needed an extra push.

Students:  To techy phrase Paul Revere…”The iPads are coming…..the iPads are coming!”  It is my goal that these iPads become tools to make them more inquisitive, more excited, more knowledgeable!  I want to start these kiddos on a digital journey that prepares them for the real world.

Motto: I think this one speaks for itself.  You cannot complain about your situation if you’re not willing to pitch in and make it better.  I could go on and on (rant on and on….) about this, but I’m just gonna let it sink in……:-)

Until the next time,


It’s Currently Time! {Linky Party 8/01}

I can’t believe it’s August already!  And that means it’s Currently Time!

photo (1)

After a very rough year two years ago, our team of teachers decided to implement a 6th grade Transition Camp to help our rising students get acclimated to middle school life.  For those that came directly from our feeder school, they were going from 1 teacher all day long to 6 teachers.  They couldn’t keep up with anything…..and I don’t even want to mention how difficult it is to teach 11 year olds about lockers when the locks are on the lockers.  They can’t even take them home and practice!  We spend the days of the transition camp discussing the ins and outs of our school, they get to practice with their lockers without the stress of a tardy bell, and the meet their teachers and do a practice run of their schedule.  The kids had an absolutely fabulous time!  All of them said they felt so much better about coming to middle school because of these days.



I think that everything else probably speaks for itself, but I want to highlight my B2S items.

1.  A good pencil sharpener is like the hottest thing on the block for a teacher!  I’ve been eyeing the quietest classroom pencil sharpener for a while, and think that I will go ahead and purchase it.  I buy at least two electric pencil sharpeners a year, last year I was fortunate enough to win one at the Office Depot Teacher Appreciation Day!  And despite the fact that I purchase them, by the end of the year, we’re down to the $1 hand held sharpeners I buy at the beginning of the year!

2.  I love shoes…..I love cute shoes…..cute shoes do not love me!  For one, I have flat feet.  Secondly, there is no cushion between the floor of my classroom and the hard dirt it’s packed upon.  Which means that at the end of the day my lower back is aching, my right knee is throbbing, and the bottom of my feet hurt.  How can the bottom of your feet hurt???  So I need to keep it real with myself and buy myself some comfortable shoes…..but they have to be kinda cute…..any ideas?

3.  Last year I started using the Interactive Student Notebook in my classroom.  For someone just starting out, I think they went very well, but I’m ready to take it to the next level.  This year I’m using I’m Lovin’ Lit’s ISN Resources to assist with that.

Lovin Lit ISN

If you’re the remotest bit interested, I suggest you head over to Erin’s TpT store and take a look.

Well, I hope that all of you enjoy the remainder of your summer break!

Until the next time,


Linky Parties – QR Codes {8/01}

It’s Thursday and I’m killing two birds with one stone! I’m linking with with iTeach 1:1 and Learning to the Core‘s for their last Tune Into Technology series.  *sad face*  I have really enjoyed this series and have learned so many things!  This week’s focus is QR Codes and there’s a great giveaway, too!


I’m also linking with with Erin at I’m Lovin’ Lit for her Thursday Throwdown Linky Party.  QR Codes are definitely a way to keep learning interactive!


What is a QR Code?  you might ask.  Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) are  two-dimensional bar codes that can contain any alphanumeric text and often feature URLs that direct users to sites where they can learn about an object or place (a practice known as “mobile tagging”). – EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

QR Code Example

QR Code Example

With the advancement of QR Codes you can provide students with a variety of information:  URLs, YouTube videos, Google Maps Locations, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Four Square, App Store Download, iTunes link, Dropbox, Plain Text, Telephone Numbers, Skype Calls, SMS Messages, Email Addresses or Messages, Contact Details, Events, Wifi Login, etc.  Now that’s a whole lotta stuff!

I have not had the opportunity to use QR Codes in the classroom yet…..iPads coming in a few weeks! :-), but I’ve used them in a few ways and I have LOTS of plans for them.  Currently, I put the QR Code on our weekly contract that will give parents a link to our classroom website.  I’ve also created a QR Code to provide parents with my contact information.

Contract Pic


My upcoming plans entail the following:

Having a QR Code up on the Promethean board for students to scan as they walk in to direct them to the website I’d like us to start on or to embed QR Codes in the flipcharts once we get to a part of the lesson that will direct them to a certain site.

My dear bloggy friend Joanne over at Head Over Heels for Teaching, does a neat idea that I am stealing….Scan to Win Tickets. She makes little cards and on each card is a QR code that awards a student some type of prize.  If you’re interested, head over the her TpT to find out more information about it!

I also plan to use them for scavenger hunts.  This year and last, students use ActivExpression devices to go on a scavenger hunt about the important people in our school.  The iPads are not quite ready yet, so next year the students will use their iPads to go on the Scavenger Hunt.

ActivInspire Scavenger Hunt

ActivInspire Scavenger Hunt


The final plan that I want to share is using QR Codes as a quick check during small group or independent work.  Students will complete assignments and then scan the QR Code to see if they answered the question correctly.

So there are my plans for QR Codes.  What are yours?

Until the next time,


Blogiversary Flash Friday Giveaway!


Just a few more hours left in my Blogiversary Giveaway and like I promised it’s “Flash Friday”!

Everyone who leaves a comment on this post can get one item ABSOLUTELY FREE from my TpT store!

Head over to my TpT store, make sure you’re following me, and in the comment box below leave the item you’d like and your email address! It’s that easy!

And if you haven’t put your bid in for the Amazon Gift Card and my Entire TpT store… still have a bit of time! Click on the image below to be taken directly to the giveaway!



Until the next time,


Tune Into Technology – Classroom Technology Management {Linky Party 7/25}

We’re now into Week 5 of iTeach 1:1 and Learning to the Core‘s Tune into Technology series! I absolutely love this series and have learned so much in the last five weeks. This week’s theme is Technology Management and Organization. tuneintotech

Currently we have access to a classroom set of netbooks. The iPads will arrive at our school in less than 3 weeks! Whoo-hooooooooo! I also use my Promethan ActivExpression devices every day.

The net books are actually supposed to be for our grade level (our school has three), but since no one else hardly uses any of them, I can keep the cart in my room and my partners can still use the other carts!

In my classroom I label each child, desk, net book, and Activexpression devices with a number. That way if something happens, I know who did it! 🙂


We use various websites in my classroom: Edmodo, KidBlog, Compass Learning, USA Test Prep, Study Island, and others that require passwords. For all sites that we create in my classroom, we use the same format.
Username: first name initial-last name- birthdate
Password: birth month-last name-birth year

That way, if they forget their info, I can help them remember.

Each child also has a password card that I keep in my classroom that we use as a last resort if we can’t get into the account we want.

Students also do the 3/4th down rule if we’re using the computers and I need to talk to them.

When it’s time to end class, students close out all programs and return to their desktop before I give permission to shut down. That way I can see if they’ve tried to change the background image to the latest superstar! 🙂

I know that I’m going to have to add rules and procedures with the iPads…..I’m working on that now.

Wish me luck!

What type of technology management procedures to you use in your classroom? I would love to hear about it!

Until the next time,


Happy Birthday to Me! A Blogiversary Giveaway!


What a difference a day makes!  Although I’ve been using a blogging platform for over three years, I only ventured out a year ago today with this personal blog.

What an amazing journey it’s been. I have “met” some awesome bloggers out there and grown in confidence as a teacher and blogger.

Thanks to all of you who have become my bloggy friends!  It’s wonderful to be able to “see” what other amazing things other teachers do…..and take those peeks inside their classrooms!

Thanks to those who follow my blog and TpT store, LIKE my FB page, leave comments, and purchase items from my store!  I really appreciate it.

And a blogiversary wouldn’t be a blogiversary with out a giveaway!

Drumroll please…….

Grandprize Winner!

Grand Prize Winner!



Second Place Winner!

Second Place Winner!


Third Place Winner!

Third Place Winner!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

In addition to the giveaway, my TpT store will be 20% off…. ALL WEEK LONG!

Make sure you come back on Friday…..because I’m having a…….



 Until the next time,
