Tune Into Technology – Classroom Technology Management {Linky Party 7/25}

We’re now into Week 5 of iTeach 1:1 and Learning to the Core‘s Tune into Technology series! I absolutely love this series and have learned so much in the last five weeks. This week’s theme is Technology Management and Organization. tuneintotech

Currently we have access to a classroom set of netbooks. The iPads will arrive at our school in less than 3 weeks! Whoo-hooooooooo! I also use my Promethan ActivExpression devices every day.

The net books are actually supposed to be for our grade level (our school has three), but since no one else hardly uses any of them, I can keep the cart in my room and my partners can still use the other carts!

In my classroom I label each child, desk, net book, and Activexpression devices with a number. That way if something happens, I know who did it! 🙂


We use various websites in my classroom: Edmodo, KidBlog, Compass Learning, USA Test Prep, Study Island, and others that require passwords. For all sites that we create in my classroom, we use the same format.
Username: first name initial-last name- birthdate
Password: birth month-last name-birth year

That way, if they forget their info, I can help them remember.

Each child also has a password card that I keep in my classroom that we use as a last resort if we can’t get into the account we want.

Students also do the 3/4th down rule if we’re using the computers and I need to talk to them.

When it’s time to end class, students close out all programs and return to their desktop before I give permission to shut down. That way I can see if they’ve tried to change the background image to the latest superstar! 🙂

I know that I’m going to have to add rules and procedures with the iPads…..I’m working on that now.

Wish me luck!

What type of technology management procedures to you use in your classroom? I would love to hear about it!

Until the next time,


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One Comment
  1. I also try to keep the passwords consistent to make it easier to keep track of all them. I like your 3/4 down idea- might have to try that. Haha, I’ve definitely had issues with backgrounds being changed, or random pop star pics in folders. Lucky you that you get the iPad cart to yourself. Thanks for linking up.:)
    iTeach 1:1

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