Spark Student Motivation Saturday: Flocabulary – Learning Through Music Videos

I definitely enjoy linking up with Joanne on her Spark Student Motivation Saturdays!  I get so many great ideas from her and the blogging buddies who link up!


Today, I want to share with you a favorite of mine….Flocabulary!



Flocabulary is an online learning platform that delivers educational hip-hop songs and videos to students in grades K-12. Founded in 2004, Flocabulary is now used in over 15,000 schools and reaches a weekly audience of 5 million students. Their mission is to motivate kids and help them reach their full academic potential, not only by raising test scores but by fostering a love of learning in every child.

Here is a video about test taking skills:

My kids absolutely love it!  They have videos for every subject matter as well as a vocabulary component for English teachers.  They also do The Week In Rap, a weekly current events video.  When Flocabulary initially launched, the majority of the videos were lyrics, but not much video.  They are continuously evolving and I am so impressed with this site.

I use the videos to introduce concepts that we are working on, but if we finish an activity early or the class has been really good – they beg me to play a video.  As they are walking down the hall, I hear them singing the lyrics to the songs – which mean they are LEARNING key concepts!  A win/win situation!

There is a small cost involved ($7 – 10 a month), but it is definitely worth it.  Stop by Flocabulary and check it out!  And don’t forget to stop by Joanne’s site (click on the linky picture above) and link up as well!


Until the next time!
