#dcsdtransforms Episode 7

In this episode, be dazzled and wowed by some really cool apps – Voki and Feedly. We have a group shout out this week to the teachers doing the hour of code. And Carla and I venture into our first prank call. Join us for some edtech fun this week!

#dcsdtransforms Episode 6

Join us for the best THIRTY minute edtech conversation you’ll hear all week! Yep, this one is a bit longer. But you are in for a special treat – Dr. Ingram will be giving his thoughts on 21st century schools. We also have some amazing apps! We’re highlighting two backchannel apps called Padlet and Today’s Meet. Finally, we have two fabulous shout outs – Jill Knight of Mayo High School and Julie Hanlin of Carolina Elementary.

#dcsdtransforms Episode 5: Thank-tacular Holiday Edition

Welcome to the Thank-tacular Holiday Edition of #dcsdtransforms! In this episode, we will share some of our favorite apps for this time of year that you can use at home and / or in the classroom. We will also “give thanks” in this episode to some very special people / groups of people. And finally, we have a super special guest star with us, Mrs. Suzie Goodwin!!!! Gather ’round the fireplace with friends, open up the popcorn, and enjoy the show!

#dcsdtransforms Episode 4

In this 10 minutes (times 2) episode, you’ll learn about the “autorap” app and class dojo. Shoutouts go to Lizabeth Thompson and Jonathan Skaris. Learn about the Hour of Code and the brand new DCSD Twitter Challenge! So much tech, so much fun!

#dcsdtransforms Episode 3

Join us for the amazing app, Quizizz, which is an online quiz game / assessment web tool. Also, learn a clever way to keep your passwords safe AND easy to remember! Shout-outs this week go to Ginger Meshaw and Wardie Sanders!

#dcsdtransforms Episode 2

In this episode, you’ll hear all about using the Ditty app in your classroom (which Carla actually used to make the theme music for our podcast), and we’ll also showcase the storage and sharing side to Google Drive (as well as introducing your GAFE accounts (woo woo!). Shout outs go to Ms. Brittany Boyd and Ms. Heather Dyar this week!

#dcsdtransforms Episode 1:

In this first ever episode of #dcsdtransforms, we are going to reflect back on the conference, share some great apps, and remind DCSD employees of several things to help them this year.

Finding My Tribe – Building Community {#FlipClass Flashblog}


I’ve never met a stranger.  In my younger years, I was the student that got moved multiple times, because I’d talk to WHOMEVER was beside me.  As I’ve grown older – that has never changed.  As many times as I’ve arrived at a new place and said, “I’m just going to sit here and listen….” it never works.  If I feel strongly about something – you’re going to hear about it.

Maybe that’s why in my 17 years of teaching, I’ve always been able to “find my tribe” – educators who have the same mindset as I do.  Educators who are passionate about teaching and learning and kids and having fun.  Because that’s the best part about teaching, IMO, the fun we have on an HOURLY basis.

I mean, who else is going to believe the crazy things that happen?  Who else is going to be the shoulder you cry on?  Who else is going to give you that amazing idea that you’ll use in your classroom tomorrow?

Closing ourselves off in our classrooms closes us off to learning new and creative strategies.  It hinders us from learning and growing; it starves relationships.

Now, because of the internet and being a connected educator means that your tribe can be next door or across the country!  How amazing is it that I’ve found so many another people who love teaching and children and learning as much as I do?  It still blows my mind when I send out a tweet – AND GET AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE!  And I can’t help but think – if there is someone is every part of the world that loves teaching and children and learning as much as we do where I am; there’s NO WAY we can’t change the world!

Don’t you agree?

Until the next time,
